Flower Delivery Information
What are the delivery options offered by Floretly?
Floretly offers reliable same day delivery for orders placed before 5 PM in Abu Dhabi. We aim to provide a convenient and timely delivery experience for our customers. Please refer to our delivery information page for details on delivery times and covered areas.
Can I track the status of my delivery?
Yes, you can track the status of your order through your Floretly account. Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a tracking number, allowing you to monitor the delivery progress.
What happens if the recipient is not available during the delivery?
In the event that the recipient is not available, our dedicated delivery team will make every effort to contact them. If re-delivery is not possible, the order will be returned to our facility, and our customer service team will assist you in arranging an alternative delivery time..
Can I schedule a specific delivery time?
While specific delivery times cannot be guaranteed, you can include special instructions during the checkout process. We will do our best to accommodate your request, taking into consideration the delivery route and schedule.
What is the Floretly guarantee for on time delivery?
Floretly is committed to delivering your orders on time and in perfect condition. If we fail to meet our delivery commitment, please contact our customer service team, and we will address the issue promptly.
What is the Floretly guarantee for the freshness and quality of the products?
At Floretly, we take pride in the freshness and quality of our floral arrangements. If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with the freshness or quality of your order, please contact us within two hours of receiving the delivery. We will work with you to ensure your satisfaction.
Are there additional charges for delivery?
Delivery charges may apply based on the delivery location and the type of arrangement. Please review the delivery information on our website for detailed information on charges and delivery zones.
How are floral arrangements packaged for delivery?
Floretly employs meticulous packaging techniques to ensure the safe and secure delivery of floral arrangements. Each arrangement is carefully arranged and placed in a sturdy container to prevent damage during transit.
What should I do if there is an issue with my delivery?
If you encounter any issues with your delivery or have concerns about the condition of your order, please contact our customer service team at info@floretly.com. We are dedicated to resolving issues promptly and ensuring your satisfaction.
For any additional questions or assistance regarding deliveries and guarantees, please feel free to reach out to our customer service team. Your trust in Floretly is important to us, and we strive to make your floral and gifting experience exceptional!